
Project Sinchan is a CSR initiative by ABInBev, aligned with its Sustainability 2025 vision to support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). The project focuses on implementing a basin-wide groundwater management initiative in Neemrana block, Alwar district, Rajasthan, where ABInBev operates its beer manufacturing facility.


The goal of Project Sinchan is to ensure the security and sustainability of the local deep aquifer, which is the primary source of water supply for agriculture, industry, and municipalities in the semi-arid region. Due to a gap between natural groundwater recharge and abstraction, the water table has been dropping at a rate of 0.9 meters per year, impacting the availability of water in the region.


ABInBev initiated Project Sinchan in collaboration with Let's Endorse as the knowledge partner and Arpan Seva Sansthan as the planning and implementation partner from November 2019. The project focuses on creating water replenishment structures in a scientifically planned and distributed manner to potentially store approximately 4 lakh kilolitres (4 lakh cubic meters) of water.


Project Sinchan, initiated by ABInBev in collaboration with Let's Endorse and Arpan Seva Sansthan, has successfully completed the creation of water replenishment structures in Neemrana block, Alwar district, Rajasthan. The project aimed to address water scarcity challenges in the semi-arid region and ensure the security and sustainability of the local deep aquifer. By observing the impact and outcomes during the 2021 monsoons, the project demonstrated positive results in water conservation and groundwater recharge. As a result, 1445 families in four villages of Neemrana have become the primary beneficiaries, benefiting from assured irrigation, enhanced livelihood opportunities, and access to drinking water security.

The successful implementation of Project Sinchan has contributed to making the town of Neemrana and nearby villages water-sufficient, addressing the critical water needs of the community and supporting the region's sustainable development goals.