Community-Based Integrated Development Project (CBIDP)

The Community-Based Integrated Development Project (CBIDP), implemented by Arpan Seva Sansthan with the support of Larsen & Toubro (L&T). The Community-Based Integrated Development Project (CBIDP) is aimed at improving the quality of life for the marginalized communities in 16 villages across four Gram Panchayats in the harsh and arid climate of Barmer district. The project's comprehensive plan addresses various challenges such as water scarcity, low agricultural and livestock productivity, limited income-generating opportunities, and social discrimination against women and disadvantaged groups. The project's specific objectives include eliminating water stress, ensuring access to safe drinking water, improving livestock management through artificial insemination (AI), increasing access to quality education, enhancing livelihood opportunities, promoting community participation, and leveraging existing government programs.

Key Activities:

Education Support:

- Installing playing equipment in schools.
- Improving WASH facilities in schools, including clean drinking water accessibility and renovation/repair of toilets.

Access to Drinking Water:

- Renovation and construction of water harvesting structures like village ponds and Nadis.
- Construction of community Tanka (water storage tanks).
- Installation of new Jalkund CWTs (Cattle Water Tanks).

Environment Protection/Biodiversity Conservation:

- Plantation of tree groves around village ponds and Nadis, focusing on Jaal, Moringa, etc.
- Reclamation of saline wasteland through a plantation of suitable plants like casuarina, Jaal, date palm, etc.
- Stabilization of sand dunes through the restoration and promotion of local medicinal shrubs.

Livelihood Enhancement:

- Promotion of on-farm livelihoods through the plantation of CAZARI Khejri, Lesua, and local medicinal plants/shrubs using hydrogel polymer technology.
- Support for off-farm livelihoods by enhancing the capacities of Self-Help Groups (SHGs) and women groups in tailoring, local crafts, etc., and creating market linkages.
- Promotion and support for G-Filter & SSPV manufacturers, empowering the local Kumhar community/potters.

Animal Welfare:

- Organizing veterinary health check-ups and vaccination camps.
- Conducting door-to-door vaccination campaigns against Lumpi Skin Disease.

Maternal Child Health and Nutrition:

- Providing nutritional support through Backyard Kitchen Gardening, promoting climate-resilient vegetables, and medicinal plants.

Community-Based Institutions:

- Strengthening the Village Development Committee.

Women Empowerment:

- Conducting life skills training for adolescent girls.

Entitlements Support:

- Organizing convergence meetings with government departments and other agencies as required.
- Conducting entitlement camps.

By implementing these key activities, the CBIDP aims to create sustainable changes and uplift the living conditions of the communities in the Barmer district, fostering integrated development and improved quality of life for all.