ABInBev (water sustainability)

ABInBev Project

Project Sinchan is a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative of ABInBev in line with its Sustainability 2025 vision of supporting UN SDGs (United Nation Sustainable Development Goals). ABInBev is having its beer manufacturing facility in Neemrana block of Alwar district of Rajasthan. The plan is to implement a basin-wide groundwater management initiative which ensures the security and sustainability of the local deep aquifer. The deep aquifer is the only reliable source of water supply for the agricultural, industrial and municipal sectors in the semi-arid region. The seasonal monsoon rainfall is the only other source of water supply. A study of the region’s hydrology identified a gap of 59 mcm between natural groundwater recharge and abstraction resulting in a 0.9 m/year drop in the water table. Project Sinchan has been launched by ABInBev with Let’s Endorse as knowledge partner and Arpan SevaSansthan as planning and implementation partner from November 2019.


To make the town and nearby villages of Neemrana water-sufficient.


To create water replenishment structures in a scientifically planned and distributed manner, which shall potentially store ~4 lakh kilolitre (or 4 lakh cubic meter) of water.


The project has been started in April 2020 and in 2021 monsoons, impact and outcome of the same should be clearly noticed. The project aims to benefit 1445 beneficiary families in four villages of Neemrana by water conservation and groundwater recharge which will provide them with assured irrigation (livelihood enhancement) as well as drinking water security.