Holistic Rural Development Programme – HRDP Rajgarh District (Madhya Pradesh)

Arpan Seva Sansthan is executing HRDP project in Biaora block of Rajgarh district (Madhya Pradesh)with a coverage of 15 villages with the support of HDFC Bank CSR. The project was commissioned from 1st March, 2021 with a goal of Livelihood Enhancement and improvement of quality of life through Sustainable use of Natural Resources by Community in ten Villages of Rajgarh District of Madhya Pradesh. The motive of the project is to serve the poor, marginalized, underserved and under privileged community through creating some sustainable livelihood alternatives.

The objective of the project are as following:

  • To generate awareness on different Natural Resource Management technology for water conservation (surface and ground water) and its management in proper manner.
  • To motivate farmers towards adoption of new agricultural technologies with concept of Farmers’ Field School.
  • To improve level of ground water significantly by the adoption of various water conservation techniques.
  • To promote vegetable cultivation for getting higher income as well as nutrients to family members .
  • To aware the community about health and sanitation.
  • To promote income generation activities and self employment options for women and youth.

Activities done so far:-

  • 362 Acres of unirrigated land has been brought under irrigation.
  • 71 Acres of uncultivable land brought under vegetation.
  • 905 Farmers has been directly benefited and their income will be increased.
  • Water storage capacity has become 39200 cumulative.
  • 169 Farmers has been provided improved variety crop demonstrations of wheat and gram.
  • 30 vermi-composting units developed by converting cow dung into 60 quintals of organic fertilizer.
  • 600 quintals of Organic compost produced through Nadep Pit.
  • 75 Farmers was introduced with improved variety of fodder crops (Berseem), as a result milk production will be increased and animal health will be improved.
  • 30 Azola units constructed for increasing milk production and better health of animals.
  • 15 Animal Health Check-up Camp organized to prevent the seasonal disease in livestock and 1451 animals were treated.
  • 30 Feeder units provided to for improving animal health and reduction in seasonal diseases.
  • 15 trainings provided to 466 women SHG members for better awareness on various issues, improve functional literacy, communication skills, leadership skills and management skills .
  • 15 trainings provided to Village Development Committee members on project orientation, execution, participatory monitoring their role and responsibilities.
  • 15 trainings provided to 686 farmers on improved crop practices, Integrated Nutrient and Pest Management, improved irrigation practices, Vegetable cultivation etc.
  • 8 SHG women beneficiaries has been provided goats and bucks to generate an additional source of income from it.
  • 300 beneficiaries are helped in addressing malnutrition & micro nutrient deficiencies by consumption of freshly grown vegetables.
  • Bala program is implemented in 15 schools for developing child friendly learning and fun based physical environment building in school infrastructure.
  • 5 library set- up established in five villages for the students to gain new knowledge, skills, and dispositions for learning and personal development that they will use throughout their lives.
  • 1441 students are benefiting from the 5 smart Class installed in five villages. By using smart classroom technology and interactive whiteboards, information can be illustrated with the help of photos, maps, graphs, flowcharts and animated videos learning has become more attractive, interesting and easy to understand.
  • 15 schools were provided Sports equipment that helped to build up a child's self-esteem while encouraging them to form friendships that could last a lifetime.
Before Floods
Smart Class At Schools
Bala Programme at Schools
Stop Dam construction at Village – Balyapura after floods.
Vermi Composting Unit
Solar Street Lights
Azzola Unis
Bala Programme at Schools
Multi Tier Cropping System with Production
Exposure Visit
Exposure Visit