It has been rightly said that It implies that the way of development of a nation, passes through villages.


Signifies to deliver

It is rewarding to be able to contribute to society, knowing that people working in the NGO sector have a common goal – to educate and uplift the members of their society and to invest in future generations. It is heartening to see that our efforts have been significantly contributing in improving the livelihoods of people. This reinforces our belief that nothing can be more important than working on the land, water, agriculture and social development to address the issues of rural livelihoods. Our service to society strives to exceed evidence-based best practice standards of excellence. We ensure accountability and quality of service delivery in all programs and management systems and provide opportunities for stakeholder engagement and involvement in quality improvement.

Our work with multiple stakeholders thrives on creating SYNERGY which brings about sustainability in our development initiatives. We are connected with more than 6 lakh rural families and look forward to replicate our sustainable development models in whole country by creating long term partnerships. We are continuously working on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which focus on ending poverty & hunger, promotes gender equality as well as good health & well being, ensures quality education, facilitates access to clean water & sanitation along with affordable clean energy, promotes decent work and economic growth and action for climate change resilience.

None of our achievements would have been possible without the efforts of Arpan's dedicated staff. The team has been committed to the aspirations and mission of Arpan and has been relentless in delivering solutions for clients and charities. My appreciation and thanks to our Trustees, staff, donors and partners. We are committed to pursuing Arpan's mission with sincerity. I have every confidence that Arpan will continue to provide solutions to poor community in the years to come and will provide valuable resources to the disadvantaged section of society. ARPAN has achieved considerable progress in beneficiary's participation and involvement in development processes in communities. During different evaluations, it was also proved that, Community people are responsive in considering the communities development needs in the areas they serve. ARPAN, therefore, work for and on behalf of the target beneficiaries.

Finally on the behalf of the executive board members which includes scientists having extensive work with rural communities, I would like to thank all our donors, supporters and the villagers for their continued support.

Dr. Subh Karan Singh